Business Share Certificates

Higher-earning Certificates can be a timely piece of your savings strategy.
Set your schedule
Choose a Share Certificate savings period that fits your company's financial plans.
Pick a starting point
It takes only $500 to open a Share Certificate, but you can go to $50,000 and beyond.
Lock into a rate
The dividend rate will never change, allowing for easy projections of your eventual earnings.
Feel secure
Deposits up to $250,000 are insured by the National Credit Union Administration.

Your money can be ready right when you need it.


Successful businesses are forward-looking, with plans in the pipeline for the next quarter, the next year and further into the future. Business Share Certificates come in a wide range of savings periods, allowing you to match your planning and investment cycles so that earnings are available when it is time to take action.

  • Minimum deposit of $500.
  • Choose Share Certificates ranging from 3 months to 5 years.
  • Share Certificates pay higher dividend rates than most standard business savings accounts.
  • In general, longer term certificates pay even higher rates.
  • Our 36-month Step-Up option lets you move to a higher dividend rate should rates rise during your Certificate term.
  • Earn even higher rates with Jumbo Share Certificates when you have over $50,000 more to invest.

South Carolina Federal Credit Union is a member-owned financial institution headquartered in Charleston, SC, with financial centers throughout the state.

All business entities will be required to provide information and documentation for the controlling party and for all owners of the business. A controlling party is an individual with significant responsibility for managing the legal entity.

Information required:

  • Full name
  • Address
  • Date of birth
  • Social Security Number
  • Phone number
  • Driver’s license number
  • Driver’s license state
  • Percentage of ownership, if applicable
  • Primary occupation, if also an owner of the business

If the controlling party is not present at account opening, please provide a copy of their driver’s license or other ID card. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Type of Entity Forms of Identification
Sole Proprietorship

Current picture ID and one of the following:

  • Business License or Retail License
  • Previous or current year tax return with Schedule C
  • IRS Letter 147c or IRS Form SS-4

Current picture ID and two of the following:

  • Business License or Retail License
  • Partnership or Operating Agreement
  • Previous or current year tax return with Schedule C
  • Certificate of Existence/Certificate of Good Standing
  • IRS Letter 147c or IRS Form SS-4
Corporation or LLC

Current picture ID and two of the following:

  • Business License or Retail License
  • Certificate of Existence/Certificate of Good Standing
  • Articles of Incorporation or Organization
  • Previous or current year tax return with Schedule C
  • Operating Agreement
  • IRS Letter 147c or IRS Form SS-4
Organization or Association

Current picture ID and two of the following:

  • Copy of minutes appointing officers
  • Articles of Incorporation or Organization
  • Letter from secretary authorizing signers
  • IRS Letter 147c or IRS Form SS-4


Open a Business Share Certificate.
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We offer certificates, available on business accounts:

  • Regular certificates are opened with a minimum of $500.

  • Jumbo certificates are opened with a minimum of $50,000.

  • Terms range from 3 months to 60 months.

  • Rates are subject to change at any time and vary based on your balance and term.

To open a certificate now, visit a local financial center or Contact Us.

What we offer:

  • Transaction history to include; balances, deposits, cleared checks or dividends.

  • Transfer funds between accounts.

  • Make loan payment.

  • Account research.

  • Stop Payments.

  • Multiple users within a company to have assigned levels of access and authority.

  • Initiate wire transfers.

  • ACH capability for Business Members who qualify (Direct debit/credit to other accounts).

  • Scheduled transfers.

  • Quicken and Quick Books compatibility.

  • Pay Bills.

All the features your business needs to keep its finances on track.
Simplify money management so you can stay focused on what matters most, your mission.